Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Deja Vue

Have you ever been in a meeting where the players are different, the view out the window is new, the calendar has a different date and discussion is exactly the same as something that happened not that long ago? Well, that was today for me.

I'm on a plane, heading home from Boston and looking forward to seeing Nicole and the boys who are by way, a bundle of creativity that is never the same day to day. The boys look at life in wonder at every turn. They aren't repackaging themselves for different audiences and looking to connect dissimilars in innovative ways. They just react to all this new input they get each day and respond with unique reactions and observations.

Ok, this makes no sense but I'm looking forward to the random connections the boys make when I get to lay on the floor with them and talk nonsense.

I voted for the Virginia Governors race and associate state races this morning before getting on a plane for beantown. Nicole was giddy about the whole voting experience which I don't really get but I did feel good doing my civil duty. Hopefully all the D candidates I voted for will win tonight.

I'm hungry, I hope we land soon.

Mark Carpenter
General Manager
Web Strategy and Operations
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (www.BlackBerry.net)

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