Friday, October 21, 2005

Customer Experience Council Meeting

It's been a good couple days here in Napa. Caught up with a number of old friends and met some new people. The interest in the customer centric marketing world view continues to increase with over 200 people at the dinner last night. Their are now 5 councils and will be 7 by this time next year. I have to say the Phil picked a good spot for this meeting but this place may not be big enough next year.

Sat with BJ Fogg from Standford University's center for Persuasive Technology Lab and Rick Smolan, photographer and author of the recent America 24/7 in which WSO employee Mike Lee got the inside cover shot. It was a really nice dinner and a fairly late night. Met all day today with my council and am going to light a fire, open some wine, order room service and watch a movie tonight. BJ and I are going to do a little wine tasting before I head back to the boys and Nicole. More soon..

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