Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well, I guess all that spider hunting was for naught. The right upper portion of my face was really killing me today so I went to urgent care. The doctor took one look and said, not spider, shingles. Yes, the chicken pox of my youth has come back to stick a thousand flaming needles into my forehead. I guess a little piece of chicken pox hides in your spine for decades and if you're lucky, comes out and bites you when you get old.

The good news is that I don't have a killer spider in the house, the bad news is that I'm stuck with this pain for a while longer. I got some drugs but they are not offering any relief at this point. They offer a vaccine for shingles these days but I figured it was for older people. I was either wrong or I'm old. If you have ever had chicken pox, get the vaccine. You will thank me.


gina said...

:( hope you feel better soon

Joan, a voice from the past said...

I'll second Gina -- feel better soon. Shingles is no fun. BTW, I've had the chicken pox, and got the vaccine.