Sunday, February 15, 2009

Turkey Run Hike with Flat Stanley

With a day off tomorrow for President's Day it seemed more like a Saturday than a Sunday. We started the day with a 2.5 mile hike at Turkey Run, along the Potomac above Georgetown with Cousin Finn's Flat Stanley. It's a flat little dude that was sent to the boys to decorate and take around town. Stanley hiked with us then stopped at the Iwo Jima Memorial for a visit before playing basketball at the park. Flat Stanley will be heading back to Minnesota with a few pictures on Tuesday so Finn can bring him into school.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark -- your kids are so cutting edge I'm a little amazed that they're only getting into the flat Stanley craze now. Better plan some great trips so Stanley can get some street cred.
- kate