Saturday, April 21, 2007

Mario Haircut

Mario Haircut
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Dylan is playing Mario Kart on the DS while Sam is getting his hair cut. The video game keeps them occupied and out from under the feet of Patrick as he cuts. It is a video game but its non-violent and actually helps them with motor skill development. I think we have decided that we are not going to allow shooting games while they live in the house. This is going to be tough as I'm sure other parents will not follow that theory so they will see them elsewhere.


Mom said...

GOOD FOR YOU BOTH TO BAN SHOOTING GAMES FOR THE BOYS!!! You'll give other parents some "inspiration" to do the same.


Anonymous said...

The world will improve bit by bit if we make choices like yours. Killing shouldn't be fun, even if it is "just a game." You should really be proud of youurself.

Kumie said...

Bob, how great was Wolfenstein??? You know you loved that game. You got to shoot Hitler in the end! The Xbox version sucks though. Too hard to maneuver.