Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Filler Post

I've been working all week and haven't had much time to take pictures of the things around me. I had drinks with an old friend that I used to do business with at AARP tonight. It was good to see Allen and hear about how things are going. It might not be that long and we will be in business again but it was great to re-connect. The cherry blossums have basically come and gone. It was in the 80's and sunny Monday and Tuesday but rained hard last night and turned cold. The cherry trees show their best sides for only a short amount of time and once again, I only paid minor attention to them while they shined and now miss them that they are gone.

AIA installed a new exhibit in the lobby today. It's the 150 best buildings and I will post some photos of it soon. It's pretty cool that the lobby and social gallery at my work are really museum spaces and change on a regular basis. You should all come visit me and check it out. Good times...

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