Friday, September 24, 2010

Back Home

I was only away for a night but it is so nice to be back hanging with the boys in the family room as they help me make my picks for the Beat the Insiders football contest and set my fantasy football team. Dylan actually knows more about the NFL players than I do. I think I will do well this week. They are growing up so fast. They have begun to develop a taste in music and have opinions on a whole range of topics. I'm going to travel with them down to Orlando next week and it will be great to spend a long weekend messing around at Disney World.

We have a big touch football game tomorrow and the weather looks perfect for the game. They are really excited about the whole thing and I must admit that I like football much more than the baseball and basketball games they've had. They like football so much that they have contemplated giving up Disney to stay in town for the game next Saturday. Too bad, I already bought the tickets.

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