Thursday, January 05, 2012

Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

The twelfth night is upon us and if Wikipedia is correct, it will be bad luck for me to leave ornaments hanging tomorrow. I can't lose the tree yet, or the outside lights for that matter. I suppose it needs to come down on Sunday but the outside lights are going to be with us for a couple more weeks.

We been doing a lot of travel planning so fa this year. Ski trip at the end of January and a family trip to London and Paris in March/April. Nicole and I have a bunch of business trips woven in there so we will be busy for the first few months of the year. I'm looking forward to traveling with the boys these days. They've reached the age where they can handle longer flights with the help of iPads and Nintendo DSi's. They've done California, Minnesota and NYC many times now and have been to New Mexico and a couple trips to Orlando. It's time they started seeing things that aren't in North America. Europe will be good for them and I'm looking forward to seeing them experience it for the first time.

We need start planning summer soon and we have reservations in Yosemite for Thanksgiving. 2011 was a good year and here's hoping 2012 is as good.

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