Thursday, June 14, 2007

Navy Memorial

Navy Memorial
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Had a nice time for Gina's moving on happy hour and got this picture on the way to the metro. Lots of fountains during the summer in dc. I hate the fact that the staff in my old group is going through this whole change and the culture that I tried to great at aarp is being destroyed but that's how it goes I guess. It just bothers me that people are being discounted wholesale to chase an unrealistic concept of how an interactive strategy should be addressed.

People should be the center of any business strategy and only chasing the desired outcomes is a fatal mistake. Its been a year since I left and I stiil feel the pain when the group I built experiences extreme upheaval. I guess I can only strive to build meaning in the business in my current situation. I just miss and feel bad for the group at aarp that I considered family in many ways.

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