Thursday, February 02, 2017

Rough January

January marked my lowest blog post total in a long, long time.  I try to keep writing and sharing pictures on this thing to remind myself of everything that's going on in our lives and provide a source of joy in the future as I flip back through the years to remember all the fun things I've done and witnessed.  It's a sort of memory keeper, a diary, a blog and requires some discipline to keep it going.  

January 2017 is a sorta dark month in my opinion and it has been hard to get myself to post many days.  The election and inauguration of Trump has been a definite downer, a stain on the march to enlightenment and progress towards caring and just society.  The cloud of anti intellectualism and fear is dampening my spirt and making it harder to post the little things that make up life.  That needs to end.

January has also been rough on the kids sports arena.  Their basketball season with so much promise but has turned really rough due to a injury.  The team lost a team leader and all conference point guard to a broken leg early in the month and have had other injuries that have made it very tough to compete.  It's just a game but wins definitely raise to spirt more than losses.  The season is almost over and we can now look forward to flag football and soccer which offer a fresh start and endless possibilities.  

While the month will be remembered for some less than stellar events, it is important to remember the things that were nice about the month.  First off, my campaign against Diabetes is going really well.  I was able to drop one of my medications on January 1st and have not seen an increase in blood sugar levels.  This is one of 5 medications that I was prescribed when first diagnosed in August and I will continue to try to drop a couple more and reduce the amount of a couple of others over time. I also made my weight reduction goal I set for February 1st.  I've lost 52 pounds since this time last year and weighed in at 213 yesterday (2 pounds better than my 215 goal)  My next goal is 210 by April 1st and then somewhere near 200 this summer.  I'm eating better and have added a little more exercise to my already daily exercise habit.  I feel better too, Diabetes is the healthiest disease I've ever had. 

I also took delivery of a new computer, I mean car.  I got a Volvo XC90 last week and it is the most technologically advanced car I have ever owned but like a computer, it has some bugs that I'm still trying to work out.  It does have every bell and whistle available on it and it really is a great car to drive. Once I get all the technology issues addressed, it will be awesome.  I have always understood that being on the leading edge of technology innovation has it's costs but I'm learning from trying to fix the fairly frustrating issues.  I have heard that Swedes have always been a little temperamental, Swedish cars included. 

 So, heres to February and the march towards spring.  We have a lot of good thing planned and I'm going to get back to writing and adding pictures to this diary that I've been keeping for nearly 13 years.  

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am happy to hear the continuing good diabetes news. You are to be commended for your diligence. It is obviously paying off in spades.

Of course I share your aversion to Donald-the-Dictator. I was thrilled with the court ruling this week. We are only a few weeks into this and there's a new "issue" almost daily. You wonder if he will survive four years