Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Spent a bunch of the day sweating and lunching at the Claremont Hotel. It's a lovely place with a great gym and nice restaurant overlooking Berkeley and San Francisco. It was a good start to a week off of work. Nicole and the boys went to a movie and we are all going to dinner a little later.
On the way out last night our flight hit some major turbulence about 45 minutes from Dulles. I remember thinking at the time that weather system was probably heading for DC. Turns out that it was a Derecho that moved across the country at high speed and battered DC at about 11pm. 1.5 million without power but according to a friend in the area, our property looked like it survived without damage. Mr Woo did just finish the yearly tree maintenance and cut down a dead 50 foot pine over in our wooded section that surely would have gone down with 60 mph winds.
Happy to be in Nocal with 68 degree temps and sunshine.