Saturday, September 13, 2014

New League

We had been playing i9 flag football in the southwest Fairfax franchise for the past four years. In a move to split up our team and disenfranchise Sam and Dylan the owner (Don King) of that league decided to move the age break a couple weeks and push Sam and Dylan into the older group of kids. He moved the born on date for all the divisions but only decided to enforce it against my kids. Other kids that should have been effected by the last minute change were allowed to play in the age group they signed up to play in.

I'm not sure what Don's problem is but he is a pretty stupid individual based on my observations over the years and runs a horrible franchise for i9. Dylan and Sam are a couple of the best flag players out there and have destroyed many of the teams of Don's favorite coaches but separating them from the other sixth graders and a group of kids they played with for the last 4 years was pretty low even for that jackass. All to protect his friends from having to play superior players. We immediately withdrew from his league and enrolled in the Central/North Fairfax franchise run by a guy named Todd Peterson.

Dylan and Sam were devastated about not being able to play with their team and for coach Cory but an amazing thing happened in a short couple days after Don's pathetic attempt at bursting 11 year old dreams. The entire team moved to the new league. This required each family to withdrawal from Don's league, acquire a refund on the fees and re-enroll in the Todd Peterson owned league. Todd was more than accommodating to the refuges and provided early registration discounts and let our team play together as a team.

I can't tell you how grateful I am to the families that made the switch to keep the team together and Todd for offering a well run and professional atmosphere to continue to play flag. It's obvious that after our first game that this new league has a clue on how to run a business and a sports league that supports child development. Don isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand. I'm hoping more people being abused by Don King find this new franchise and make the switch. I will certainly be letting people know that they don't have to put up with Don's incompetence.

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