Sunday, September 29, 2013


Not much happening on this last Sunday in September. The games of Saturday are fading and we had a nice dinner with Julie and Damon last night. I did take the kids up to the park to work on some quarterbacking, receiving and pass coverage skills. Not a lot of time outside but Sundays are made for chilaxing a bit. The boys worked hard yesterday and even their little 10 yer old bodies need a break. Based on Sam's performance on the football and soccer fields, his knee injury seems to be behind him. In re-calculating his performance i realized that he actually had three touchdowns and three goals in the soccer game. The third touchdown was a pass to Corbin which is added to two running touchdowns. He was on fire yesterday. Let's hope he brings it next week and Dylan scores his average td's, which is more than the one he had this week. Not that one TD and two interceptions in a game is bad, he's just better than that.

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