Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Sports Talk

I had a good conversation about sports with the boys today. I picked them up at basketball camp and Dylan drained two long baskets from the side of the hoop while Sam was showing me his new dribbling moves between his legs. They have both gotten really good from the Warriors camp and the one they are in now at Lee Rec Center. That got us talking about what they really want to focus on going forward. They are both good athletes and could play many different sports but I think they have it down to soccer, basketball and baseball.

They both want to try out for travel soccer in the spring so they are playing fall rec soccer to get more games under their belts. They are also playing flag football this fall but think its their last year of that because neither of them want to play tackle. They have seen my scar and all the limping around I do and made the connection that tackle football is not worth the risk. I have to admit, I agree with them. They will get recruited by other kids and adults thru high school. It's already happening. They would be a great addition to any football team. They are big, fast and aggressive but they seem pretty set on not going there.

Sam is already being recruited for the travel soccer team and I think Dylan has the skills. By not playing fall baseball, they will miss out on some opportunities to pitch, which would help them get in the rotation next spring but I think I can get them a pitching coach this winter for 6-8 weeks to get them up to speed.

It's fun watching them develop their skills and I'm looking forward to seeing them get out there and compete this fall.

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