Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The President is in one of these two limo's heading to the back door of the Jefferson Hotel across the street from me. They shut down M Street and 14th a half hour ago and cleared everyone out for his arrival. It's unfortunate these days that he couldn't just walk the four blocks from the White House on a nice day like today but I guess even that would be dangerous. This was taken from my office window and I was being watched by a bunch of guys on the rooftops as I took these pictures. I waved but they didn't seem amused.
I couldn't get the zoom on my Blackberry to work, or I could have posted a pic yesterday of the young woman who took off her clothes to pose naked in the vestibule of the condo building next to AARP's B building.
At least the Secret Service wouldn't be putting me on a list for my pic ;).
Yeah, you need to have a better camera ready next time. Those pictures would have been more interesting, at least to me.
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