Saturday, January 07, 2012

Honey Badger

Honey Badger
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Rough game tonight against a stacked team. They lost 51-18. The team we played was built with all ten players having played together for a while and all requesting the same coach. The league is supposed to be put together with parity in mind but it turns out two teams ignored that and decided to teach their kids that winning is more important than sportsmanship. Anyway, Honey Badger (Dylan) had 8 points and Sam, coming back from his stress fracture just had 2. Sam was obviously in some pain and at time he was pretty winded. He's pretty upset and doesn't really understand that it will take him a little while to get back up to full speed after being laid up with a boot and crutches for 8 weeks.

The were up 6-4 after the first quarter but went on a huge drought in the 2nd and 3rd, only to wake up again in the 4th. Next week we go back to playing a team that followed the rules and didn't build a dream team. it should be closer.

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