I'm looking forward to heading west for some cool weather and to possibly escape the political theater of the debt ceiling debate. The one thing I hate about DC is the politics and I've never seen it this bad. It simply drives me insane but I can't stop reading about it. As fortune would have it, I should be in Napa when these idiots we elected drive the car over the cliff and point fingers at each other. I really don't think it will be resolved and will make life more expensive for everyone, then taxes will have to go up. It's a lose, lose, lose proposition.
At least, the adults in the NFL have come to an agreement, yes, the NFL is more capable of settling differences and compromise than these career politicians. The NFL, where a majority of the employees barely graduated college with degrees in physical education and the owners who are mostly egotistical tyrants who either were born into money or won some sort of business lottery. Yes, that group realized that they would lose 9 billion dollars if they didn't come to some agreement and made a deal.
Thanks to the NFL, this fall, I can tune out the ideology wars on Capitol Hill and tune into football on TV. That will be nice.
Anyway, the boys are having a good time with Grandma, Grandpa and Adam out west and they are to distracted to really talk with me so seeing them will be good. I miss the little guys.
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