We got up early to beat the traffic and the early season crowds, so I don't have a lot in my to describe a really great day in Gettysburg with the boys. The new museum that is now home to the famous cyclorama portrait is pretty spectacular and comes with a 20 minute film that does a great job explaining the whole battle. Dylan and Sam had been reading up on the battle and the civil war at home and school so they were thrilled to see the places they had been learning about first hand. By my estimation, this was their fifth major civil war battlefield but leaving in the dc area they see many smaller ones all the time. Mananas, Chancellorsville, Antietam, Fredericksburg and now Gettysburg. Pretty good for 7 year olds.
It was a beautiful day and the crowds were lite but I'm very tired now and have to get to bed. I took a bunch of pictures and you can find them here. http://www.flickr.com/photos/homerclees/sets/72157623770650696/
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