We boys all got our hair cut on Saturday morning downtown and on the way back we decided that a stop at Arlington National Cemetery would be just right for a kind of a misty, rainy day. It really is a beautiful cemetery and something the boys had never seen which was a shame due to the fact that we live about 5 miles from it. Living with a cemetery in the our backyard makes the whole thought of buried people pretty normal to them but they were very impressed with the fact that some many of the people buried there served their country and were in some of the wars they know about.
They really liked the tomb of the unknown soldier where we saw a wreath laying with a bugler playing taps and all that stuff. The rest of the weekend was pretty low key with a bunch more rain, some trick of treating, a couple of fires and a Viking victory over the Packers. Good times...
Pictures are on flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/homerclees/sets/72157622714271946/
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