Kate and the Boys
Julie, Kate and Damon left this morning after a nice visit. I think they had a good time anyway, we did and the boys loved playing with Kate who loves trains as much as Dylan. The boys and I went on a bike hike this morning and got 3 or 4 miles in. I found a cool dirt trail along some railroad tracks not far from home. The benefit of this track was seeing an Amtrak and two frieght trains during the ride. On the way back from the ride Sam informed me that he was debating two career choices. He either wants to be a hip-hop dancer or a dirt bike rider. I told him he could probably do both. Dylan just wants to be a karate master. Today they are Vikings and we are getting ready to watch those crazy vikes win or lose to Philly. Go Vikes.
so sorry for your loss...tee hee hee!
We had a FANTASTIC TIME. THANK YOU. Next time we are going to stay for weeks and weeks. Your boys look like linebackers next to Kate. Sorry about the game. Cool bike path story. There are family rides too, where the length is around 4 miles. They might like mountain bike races. All the races have kids races that are very basic.
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