It took a while to get moving this morning but we finally made it outside and did the two things the boys said they wanted to do. Sam was all about mini golf and Dylan wanted something to do with trains. We went down to Cameron Run Park for the golf, where it was also Dog Days at the attached water park. Yes, the park is no longer open for people but for today, it was open for dogs. Kinda fun to watch dogs in the wave pool and tramp sing through the frog pond.
Then we went a few miles down the way to the very small but interesting Fairfax Station Museum. It's a historic station where Clara Barton once worked on wounded Union Soldiers from the second battle of Mananas (or the 2nd Bull Run if you're from the south) Cool spot but small, good place to go this winter when they have a full holiday model railroad display set up.
Back to work and school tomorrow. I'll be taking Friday off to play golf in celebration of my 44th year. Good times.
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