Fashion 101
Sam asked me to come upstairs with him tonight when I got home to get some fashion advice. He got down in front of his dresser and dug around a bit to find a red polo shirt with a Ralph Lauren logo on it and then asked me what shorts he should wear with that shirt. I said that I thought either jean or kaki shorts would probably work well so he laid the shirt out on the bed and grabbed two pair of shorts and compared them. We decided together that the kaki shorts were and red shirt were a much hotter combination and high fived on the decision. He made his underwear decision by himself but bunched the whole combo together and put them on his night stand.
This behavior and his desire to pick out my clothes in the morning shows a certain flare for fashion. Dylan likes to dress well too but doesn't seem to have a need to plan a day in advance. I have to admit, I think about what I'm going to where the night before but don't lay it out. Just some ramblings of an ever surprised papa.
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