Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Caterpillar Attack!

They are everywhere and I mean everywhere. They are hanging on the side of the house, the screens and our mailbox looked like grizzly adams yesterday. I've never seen this many of the little bugs in my life. I only hope that means we will get lot of butterflys.
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Kumie said...

Gross!!!! If I were you I would pack up and stay at a hotel until the fall.

Beth@WeightMaven said...

Hmmm...not sure you get a nice butterfly out of a tent worm!

Homerclees said...

That's grosser than I thought and now really want them to leave my property.

Kumie said...

Use a blow torch. Slight chance you may end up burning down the entire house, but those things will burn with it, and that's really all that matters.

Kitten Herder said...

In some third world countries, that's the makings of a feast!

Anonymous said...

That is just gross. you are going to wake up and your house is going to be one big cacoon...

Anonymous said...

These caterpillars become gypsy moths. Not that pretty (they're kinda cute as caterpillars though) and they lay their eggs in tree branches -- causing the branches to die and fall to the ground. Pesty critters.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Global Warming a wonderful thing?

lizkdc said...

If you can stand the yuck factor, get a pail of water and something soapy and pungent like 409, some work gloves, and scoop as many as you can in. Will not eliminate but will reduce their leaf chewing damage and leave fewer to propagate. Insecticide not recommended since it kills off helpful critters which eat caterpillars too. I am fighting an infestation on my favorite tree too. Shakes fist at tiny enemies.