Saturday, May 05, 2007

Remember the Alamo

Remember the Alamo
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

The conention is officially over and my knee is aching and the dogs are barking. The members really seemed to like Soloso and are excited about how it's going to develop into a primary tool as part of their membership. I'm excited that I met my primary goal when I got hire 7 months ago. Still have lots of work to do but it's time to reflect on what we've accomplished and reflect on all the feedback we got the last few days. I'll start working on the next phase and the big board discussion at the September meeting in Phoenix on Monday.

I'm having a martini and some chow at the Palm right now and am heading to bed early tonight. 8am flight back to Nicole and the boys in tomorrow.


Kumie said...

Add an "s" to the end of soloso and you have the name of a Star Trek planet. No joke.

Anonymous said...

"There's no basement at the Alamo!"