To the Moon
Dylan told us tonight that when he grew up that he wanted to take a rocketship to the moon with Daniella. She's in his class at school and he seems pretty fond of her. Sam is kind of sweet on Sophia but insists he only has boyfriends. He wants to be an airplane driver when he grows up. Grown up is six btw, Sam basically says he will be all grown up at six and able to watch scary movies, drive and play golf. I hope he's not all grown up at six.
I spent the day working on Soloso to get it ready for the Convention this week. A board member is doing a demo of it tomorrow for the other board members in San Antonio. I probably should have been there but didn't want to be gone all week. I'm sure it will go fine and I'll do the full hour overview of the out of beta product in Phoenix in September.
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