A day late but I was busy at the 4 P's all day yesterday. It's Jud's traditional spot to celebrate his heritage and I'm able to make it about every other year. Jimmy T, Micheal and T made it as well. Not pictured was Wacky Dave, Donkey, Mary Claire, G-man and a host of others. McConnell didn't make it because his tummy hurt or something lame like that. He's a disgrace, having a name like McConnell and not making out to the bar.
We may attempt to go on another hike today at a park not far from Mason Neck and then I think I'm going to sit and watch basketball. I'm not doing so well in my pool.
I posted a ton of pictures from the Bahamas this morning. I can't believe that was a week ago. I need to go back.
u r the lame ass, wearing orange on St. Patty's day. Jeez
Leave him alone. It matches the fake tan he applied after pretending to go to the Bahamas.
It's not what you wear, it's whether you show up. As for the Orange Mr. non-irish McConnell, "Orange" is often thought of as a "Protestant" color in Ireland. The flag of the Republic of Ireland includes the color orange, as well as white and green, and signifies the aspiration to peace between Protestants and Roman Catholics in Ireland.
As for the fake tan comment, I got plenty of sun in the Bahamas and remind you that Nassau was founded by the British as Charles Towne but was re-named Nassau after William III of Orange in 1695.
Another good reason to wear Orange having spent the previous week in Nassau.
good lord, just put a cork in it. stop spewing worthless crap about your st. patty's day choice. accept that you look lame in orange and u should have been in green. as for showing up, of course you were there, you go out all the time
Obviously the previous poster has no appreciation or understanding of history and is probably the same person who didn't go out in the first place. Brilliant.
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