Back to Work
It's a rude awakening when you get back to work after a week off and find a full schedule, tons of email and deadlines. I've been trying to negotiate all that and get the workout schedule in tune with the rhythm of business. It's only Tuesday and will get better later in the week. I wasted an hour and a half wrestling with my printer\scanner last night that I could have spent it getting some work done but such is life. I've had this Dell printer for three years now and it looks like it will have to go soon. I have an HP downstairs that still kicks out the printed page that I've had for over 6 years. You tell me what I'm going to replace this Dell with.
The boys are doing well but Sam has another sinus infection. He tends to wander the upstairs when that happens and ends up sleeping part of the night in every bed available. I'm sure we're in store for more of that tonight. The boys are watching a Charlie Brown Christmas for the 10 time this season. I actually enjoy it too.
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