Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The boys loved the fireworks last night. This year we actually parked ourselves on the lawn of the local Lee District Park and got up close and personal. We watched them from a warm hotel room in Berkeley last year and we were glad we did. It's cold on the San Francisco bay in summertime. Anyway, the boys loved them and said things like "this is great" and "they are beautiful". Lee District Park isn't that big so we were right on top of where they were launching them. I have video of the whole thing if you want to see it next time you drop by the house. The park is only about a mile away too, so it was easy to get home.

Oh yeah, I bought the boys some lick em sticks candy. It turned their tongues different colors, which they were happy to stick out at me. I have more colored tongue pictures I?ll post later.
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