Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Fun

We had a full weekend with the boys, Linda and Gil. I met the boys, Nicole and the Grandparents at the train station on Friday after work and they were running up and down the platform talking to everyone per usual. We went to dinner in old town and then had ice cream, all over their faces of course. I played golf on Saturday as you can tell from the post below. It went pretty well, shot an 89 on a very tight course. It could have been much worse and it was a beautiful day.

We had Kumie, Joe and Bobby over for the annual Easter Egg hunt today. Good thing Mr. Wu started on the spring clean up and mulching yesterday. The yard was in much better shape for the egg gathering than it was last Easter. Mr. Wu still has some work to do but I do love this time of the year when the whole yard starts out perfect, then slowly drifts into disrepair. Anyway, Linda and Gil are on their way home and I'm finishing off my taxes. I play on dropping the check in the mailbox at the last possible moment.

Here's a link to the photo set of the Easter Egg Hunt. Some good shots but right before I started this hole deal, I cleaned the lens and filter and them quickly put them back together. I guess I didn't let it dry fast enough because I was getting some condensation on the filter, so a few shots have some cloudiness to them. Oh well, l'll never do that again. Posted by Picasa

I've got a busy week coming up. I'll try to keep you posted.

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