Thursday, February 23, 2006


Mike Lee and I spent some time talking with Nicholas Negroponte at SFO last night on our way to TED. Nicholas is still on the hunt for the $100 laptop for developing nations. A way to give children access to technology across the globe. Pretty ambitious stuff. He's going to be in DC next Tuesday and Wednesday and wants to spend some time at AARP talking about his quest.

Al Gore spoke tonight about global warming and was fantastic. If he only had the passion in the last Presidential race, we'd all be better off. Actually, he will probably be more effective in his quest not being the President than if he was. Funny how things work out. A movie about his globe trotting jihad to get people doing something about global warming is coming out in May and got rave reviews at Sundance this year. Based on the hour long presentation, you should definitely go see it.

Time for sleep, my brain is full.

1 comment:

Kumie said...
