Sunday, January 15, 2006

More School Pics

This is the chair pose for the boys. I don't know what the chair is all about but they are pretty good shots. The boys, Nicole and Linda went down to the mall again today to a couple of the museums. It's just too windy to spend any time outside and hey, let's face it, DC has the best free museums in the world and we should take advantage of them. I stayed back because I have a small sore throat and had some work to do. Going to watch March of the Penguins in a little bit. We figured the boys might like that. They loved the Penguins at the Central Park Zoo in November.

Don't forget, you can click on the images above and see a bigger version. More soon..


Anonymous said...

March of the Penguins -- painful movie. Hannah could not even get through the whole thing... good luck on that one!!

Kumie said...

Penguins are my favorite type of fish in the whole world!!!!