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Sam, Dylan and I watched some home movies from the past couple years that I have stored in my media center pc. I switched around a bunch but we saw some of the Chinese New Year parade we went to in February, some film of my mom and the boys in the baby pool last month, some of their second birthday and some film from the nicu when they were born. It's really easy to view this stuff with the media center and a big digital tv attached. It's just a few clicks of the remote and you can watch hours of home video. Sam really seemed to like it and had a big smile on his face the whole time. I wonder if seeing these film early and often will effect their childhood memories in adulthood. Like will they actually remember the parade they saw when they were two if they see it a couple dozen times in the next few years. I don't know but with as much still photography and video I'm taking of these boys, they should have a rich bunch of data about themselves.
Rachel, Brandt and the kids are coming this weekend so I should have some good pictures this weekend.
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