Friday, July 29, 2022

Two Generations

The boys with Grandparents. The professional photos are coming in a few weeks.

Light Blue

Carolyn and Sam in similar shades of blue.

Tom Peterson Land Mine Shot

Uncle Tom loved these pictures back before cameras on cell phones. Hard to get 17 people in one shot but this one seems to have worked.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Photo Shoot

An early start after a long night of bowling. 9am photo shoot on lake Minnetonka. The professional photos will be ready in 6 weeks.

Glow Bowling

At Country Club lanes, a 1950's era bowling ally in Tonkin Bay.


Aunt Rachel

The first reunion event Friday night. Great to see everyone in one place.

First Night

Visiting Mae at her hostess gig in Wayzata on Thursday night. Good time crank calling the restaurant with reservation requests using fictitious names.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Order of the Jedi

I've neglected this blog for a while now and have probably lost my last couple viewers but I just haven't taken many pictures these days.

It's been fun having the kids home but Sam has already returned to Des Moines for football camp so it feels like summer is fading fast. We will see him in Minnesota next week and then he will be back for four days after that but then it's full time football and school until thanksgiving.

Dylan is still working the kids camps that they were both doing before Sam left and buying vinyl albums with his new found wealth. Nicole and I are just workin away and trying to plan an anniversary getaway in the next few months.

Rachel sent me the picture above and represents either my Jedi indoctrination or Lutheran confirmation and the last time I went to church outside of a wedding or a funeral. Organized Religion never really stuck with me, even after being held back from my confirmation class graduation in the spring and forced to do special summer school make up learning.

They said I wasn't taking all that Jesus seriously. My hair looked good anyway.

Saturday, July 02, 2022

The GOP Court

Nicole and Ashley stopped to show their displeasure at the court wing of the Republican Party during a run this week. Fences up to stop the majority of the population from taking the court back from the anti-democratic majority.