Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Hot

It's Hot
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

According to my new Sony Dash Internet enabled alarm clock, the heat index is 110. The Dash is a new toy that I got for $70 on Woot. It was originally marketed at $229 I believe but is just barely worth $70. It does a lot of things I will never use, like steam Netflix but does some cool stuff like show me weather and traffic.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

We finished off a nice weekend with some flag plantings in our very own cemetery. We have a bunch of veterans buried behind the house so we made sure they all had fresh flags in honor of their service.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Batting Cage

Batting Cage
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

After a visit to the pool this morning, we hit a couple hundred balls at the batting cage to stay tuned for the big playoff weekend next week. They were both getting the bat on the ball and getting some good rips in. Its been a nice and relaxing weekend so far.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ghost Tour

Ghost Tour
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

The boys are nice and spooked by the Oldtown ghost tour. They should sleep well tonight.

Summer Begins

Summer Begins
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

I still like the colder months a little more but pool season is nice. The big opening was today and we had great weather for splashing around. The water was surprisingly warm I guess from the last few days in the 80's. We are hanging around town this holiday weekend and are heading down to old town for dinner and a touristy ghost tour. Sam caught a piece of a ghost tour last week when were out wit marsh and Carolyn and wanted to do a full one. It might be fun.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Air Show

Originally uploaded by homerclees.

We spent the morning at the Joint Services Air Show at Andrews Air Force Base today with Marsh and Carolyn. The boys do love the planes and really enjoyed a flight simulator. They each left with a new model plane courtesy of Grandpa.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's Not Easy

It's Not Easy
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

At the University of Maryland early for a ACS regional meeting. Home of Jim Henson.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Double Game Ball

Double Game Ball
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Sam went 4 for 4 with a double and triple and Dylan went 3 for 3. They both played heads up defense and got game balls. The team lost 11-10 but this was may have been the best team game they've played, even over the wins.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Candy Shoppe

Candy Shoppe
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

We ventured down a few blocks and visited the candy shop in old town after dinner. The boys, Nicole and Grandma do like candy.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Nicole

Happy Birthday Nicole
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Dinner at Jackson 20 with the boys and Linda.

Birthday win for Nicole

Birthday win for Nicole
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: Buckhorst H1
Flash: Off
Film: Blanko

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Scoring an HR

Scoring an HR
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

I'm still scoring the games when we are the home team and this was my favorite. I'm usually circling the 1B or 2B or recoding a K but this was the first HR I ever had to circle and it was all Sam. BTW, Orioles won 11-4.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Home Run

Home Run
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

And a game ball for Sam's first career home run. It was an amazing poke into left center and some quick feet around the base pads. Dylan also had a good night at the plate with two singles and a couple sacrifice RBI's.
No strike outs for either of them.

Sam also took a line shot that bounced on the lip of the infield to the head but he did stop it. We need to watch him a little tonight.

Mother's Day

I missed my mom yesterday because she was out with my sis at a play but I do need to wish her and all the other Mothers out there a happy Mother's Day. We had a nice weekend filled with Baseball, a kids birthday party, some shopping and continued kitchen clean-up. Little by little the house is getting back in order and with visitors coming the next couple weekends, we need to finish that up soon.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

2011 A Ball Orioles

We spent some time at the batting cage tonight to help get Dylan and Sam to really start smacking the ball again. They have both been in a little slump but Dylan particularly. They took about 100 swings a piece tonight. That and some more hitting later this week should help.
Meet the Orioles
Meet the Orioles

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Irish Open

Irish Open
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Modean, the new Irish Open champ. I didn't play well but we had fun.