We got back from the coast yesterday afternoon and have been trying to get ready for the work week and the last week before school starts today. The trip to Rehoboth and Atlantic City was a ton of fun and the boys loved the whole thing. Playing in the waves at the beach, the go-kart track, Funland with the bumper cars, haunted mansion and tons of video games. They really liked the carnival game where you took a hammer to a catapult and tried to get a frog on a Lilly pad. They won some stuffed animals on that one.
The Lewes ferry was fun and cut off over a hundred miles of driving to get from Delaware to New Jersey. Now, I haven't been to Atlantic City that many times and when I did, it was usually one of the boardwalk casinos that were pretty skanky. The Borgata is on the back bay part of the city and quite the scene. It's right up there with the best in Las Vegas. It was extremely jiggy.
Adam was a little tired from having the flu but put on a great show with Spearhead and Augustana anyway. The boys were totally into the playing with the band part during Hangin Around. Dylan was pretty serious about drumming well while Sam just wanted to smile at the chicks in the front row.
It's back to work tomorrow and then the grandparents are coming in for the weekend and another Counting Crows show at Merriweather Post on Saturday. Good times..
Here are the pictures from last week. http://www.flickr.com/photos/homerclees/sets/72157622188870060/