Saturday, February 28, 2009

Brooklyn Bloodies

Brooklyn Bloodies
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

We just walked the Brooklyn Bridge and are having a couple drinks on henry street before heading to the Brooklyn Museum. Sam has strep but is in good hands with two dr. Grandparents.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Testing for Gold Belt

Testing for Gold Belt
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Working on the next level and getting closer to being able to kick my ass. They test for the belt today but will get it at a ceremony on Saturday.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Duckpin Bowling

Duckpin Bowling
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

In Baltimore doing a little duckpin bowling which is pretty unique to charm city. Dont know of any duckpin lanes outside of Maryland. Off to dinner in a bit

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Turkey Run Hike with Flat Stanley

With a day off tomorrow for President's Day it seemed more like a Saturday than a Sunday. We started the day with a 2.5 mile hike at Turkey Run, along the Potomac above Georgetown with Cousin Finn's Flat Stanley. It's a flat little dude that was sent to the boys to decorate and take around town. Stanley hiked with us then stopped at the Iwo Jima Memorial for a visit before playing basketball at the park. Flat Stanley will be heading back to Minnesota with a few pictures on Tuesday so Finn can bring him into school.
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Turkey Run Hike

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Dinner

Valentines Dinner
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

The three boys took Nicole out for a valentines dinner tonight. Two of the boys wore ties and jackets, I went with a sweater.

Bike accident

Bike accident
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Dylan just about lost his pants in a bike wipeout a while ago. His leg has to be cold.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tech Envy

Tech Envy
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Adam gave Nicole and I kindles last year for her birthday (not sure how I lucked out getting a present on her birthday) and I have enjoyed using it to read the new York times, Washington post and a couple books over the past 10 months. Amazon just launched kindle 2.0 and I already have tech envy. It's insane since the one in front of me works really well and was a fantastic gift but the 2.0 is new and pretty. I need to get a grip.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yes, I do exist

I rarely add pictures of myself on this blog but I'm feeling the need to show that it's actually me taking all those pictures of hikes, birthdays, holidays and martinis. Nicole is now using her new little pink camera I gave her for the holidays and got a few of me on our hike at Hidden Pond on Sunday. It was nice to get outside and tramp around the woods a bit. Work as taken a busy turn and I think it will be that way until the next board meeting in March. That seems to be the cycle, manic work until Spring Board meeting, a little breather, then manic work until the Fall Board meeting. Oh yeah, little spikes before the winter and summer board meetings.

We also got a bunch of pictures of the boys that you can find by following this link....
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Sunday, February 08, 2009


This is too funny and really easy to share from the Saturday Night Live site.

Hidden Pond Hike

We got up and had breakfast at iHop and then went a short distance to a little nature preserve about 6 miles away for a quick 2 mile hike. It's in the high 60's today and the sun is brilliant. We took a trail down by a stream and at one point decided to cross it by climbing up a tree that had fallen over it and then I dropped the boys on a sand bar. It was pretty tricky but it was a good exercise in create problem solving.

Hidden Pond park also has a nature center with a whole load of snakes, turtles and frogs. The Ranger Ricks got a couple snake out for the boys to touch but I kept my distance. Not real fond of the snakes. Per usual, I took a bunch of photos that I will post later. I need a nap now.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Hokey Pokey

I'd rather film it than do it.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Elementary School Dance

Elementary School Dance
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Before it becomes a torturous experience for most kids. I always liked them but then again, I am quite a dancer.

Two Tough Customers

They told me people wanted their autographs today at school. Off to a school dance tonight. They want to wear sport coats for that event.
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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Jimmy and James Dean

Tomorrow is Movie Star day at school and the boys are going as the twin brothers, Jimmy and James Dean. I convinced them that James Dean has a twin brother named Jimmy and they seem happy. The outfit consists of a t-shirt, collar up shirt, jean jacket and rolled up jeans. They have been practicing the cool walk and look all night. Sam seems a little darker of the two, Dylan can't seem to help but look kinda cute and boy like. Maybe I should give them each a pack of smokes and see how that flies?

Monday, February 02, 2009

Morning cartoons

Morning cartoons
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

Found the boys all snug this morning watching cartoons before Blanca showed up. It was a typical Monday at work but felt I got some good work done. Board and committee meetings coming up in March which will be here sooner than I think.

The boys are wearing their pajamas inside out tonight in hopes we will get a ton of snow. They also flushed ice cubes down the toilet. They learned these tricks at school today. Let's see if it works. The weather report is pointing to no.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Snow biking

Snow biking
Originally uploaded by homerclees.

It's almost 60 degrees out there today, so the boys and I rode up to the park and had a light saber battle. They love to ride on the grass and dirt and now a little snow is an extra benefit. Getting ready to eat a lot and watch some football. Last game until September.