They are everywhere and I mean everywhere. They are hanging on the side of the house, the screens and our mailbox looked like grizzly adams yesterday. I've never seen this many of the little bugs in my life. I only hope that means we will get lot of butterflys.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
I took the boys down the street to an old estate they have started to rip up to build about 10 new houses. I used to play in construction sites on a regular basis as a child and probably cheated death many times. I actually built a two story clubhouse like structure in the woods near my home with some friends when I was 11 or 12. We stole all the materials from the new home construction in the neighborhood. Anyway, I wanted to show the boys what a construction site looked like and point out all the activity that was taking place to build new homes. They crawled over the machines, the big drainage pipes and piles of rocks. I lost my balance an almost destroyed my camera falling but survived with big gashes on my wrists because I couldn't fall on my hands (because I was holding a camera) I never fell when I was a kid, age and balance, hmmm.
The site being build on is an old plantation like complex a couple blocks from our house. The house itself has to be saved because it's has historic credentials but they will be taking down all the out buildings and barns and things to build 10 new monsters. It will be fun to watch. Out to dinner tonight and no plans tomorrow.
Friday, April 25, 2008
It was an incredible first week on the new job and I think I'm going to like this place. I know it took a while to post something about what I was doing and now this is two posts in a row about the same thing but it feels good, like a good fit. Enough said.
I forgot to post about picking the boys up at school last Thursday afternoon. They seem to love the surprise and it's great see them running at you screaming "DAD!" We jumped into the car and headed toward a park to run around a little bit and Sam said "Dad, we love you" as if knowing that Dylan was thinking the same thing. I need to remember to take an afternoon off every once in a while to pick them up at school.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Day 4
Day 4
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Its been a busy but exciting first week on the job and I'm starting to feel at least a little comfortable. New jobs are weird but you start to see famliar patterns pretty quickly and you can start feeling like your contributing something by using that outside perspective to add to the dialog. Very nice people here and I have a lot to learn. I don't talk a lot about my job on this blog so the bottom line is that I'm very happy with my move based on the first four days. I'm meeting some of my old aia buddies for happy hour tonight and it will be good to see them too.
The picture is my new view, National Geographic across 16th street and a hotel next door. Thanks for all the nice comments on the last post.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It rained all day so the kids, Mom and the Grandparents went to the National Gallery while I stayed home to prepare for my first day on the new job. I did some reading and a little writing and watched a ton of rain fall. I also walked the yard with Mr. Woo to talk about spring clean up and all the tree trimming and chopping down he needs to do. We found a dead tree near the road and a lot of others that need some serious work. With spring comes house and yard maintenance I guess.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Some of you may know this but my last day at AIA was today. It was a semi-tough thing to do but time to move on to a new organization. My first day at the American Chemical Society is on Monday. I'm going to be leading the Web Strategy and Operations team there and I'm looking forward it.
The AIA gig was great and I'm leaving a lot of people I loved working with and a product I was proud to work on. It's weird leaving a job where you are pretty comfortable and familiar with the surroundings but I got an offer I couldn't refuse. I accepted the offer at ACS a couple weeks ago and have been taking care of all the AIA loose ends until today. I still have a few more things I need to take care of but I also have to get my mind out of the AIA issues and prepared to start thinking about my new responsibilities.
It's scary to think I will be learning to work with a whole new team and organization on Monday morning but very exciting at the same time. So long architecture and hello chemistry.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Top of the Rock
Top of the Rock
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Beautiful night on top of Rockafeller Plaza. I'm having a couple drinks and skipping dinner to see Passing Strange. Don't tell anyone.
My Roommate
My Roommate
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I've been staying at Adam's place in the villiage the last fews days and spending my days at the Harvard Club on w44th. Stew, the creator of the show Passing Strange is also staying at Adam's place and his show is on the same block as my meeting. This is supposed to be a fantastic show and I'm half thinking of skipping some of my meeting to catch it today. It's funny but I also saw Stew at TED 2006 and was blown away with his performance. Go see it if you're in new york.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Idyllwild Airport
Anyway, I was running a little late this morning when Sam asked if I could pitch to him outside. I had to make a call and said no, but had a stong urge to take him up on his request. I made my call and looked out the window at the boys hitting and throwing the baseball around with Blanca and decided pitching a few balls to the boys was way more important than packing all the right stuff for my trip.
I ended up playing some ball with them for 20 minutes and when I went back into pack. On the way back inside, the boys both yelled out to me "thanks Dad!" which basically made my day. I threw a lot of stuff in a bag in no particular order and headed out to the airport shortly after. I may look rediculous the next couple days but they do have stores in nyc in case I forgot something and a few more minutes with boys throwing a ball around was priceless.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
80's Prom
80's Prom
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
So Edison high school is having an 80's themed prom. Are they trying to say the 80's were so much cooler, we want to be like them? I personally think what I worn to school back then is way better than the slacker gear of today.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The Rose Hill Players
The Rose Hill Players
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Are putting on a production of Enchanted Sleeping beauty today and we are in the fourth row. Its been a busy couple days with a Joe Jackson concert thursday night, I shot an 80 on my first golf outing this year on friday and this, what I'm sure will be a moving performance by fairfax countys finest grade schoolers today.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Architecture Week
Architecture Week
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
And a new exhibit at AIA. Lots of community redesign projects I haven't had a chance to view yet but will get to them tomorrow.
Monday, April 07, 2008
This morning, Sam said he wanted to pick out my underwear for me. I thought that was nice and one less thing I had to worry about each morning. Dylan told me that he wanted to go to China this morning. Maybe those two things are connected since most underwear is made in China. When I got home today the boys and I went through a stack of dinosaur cards. Sam wanted the Carnivores and Dylan the Herbivores. Sam had 12 and Dylan 24 at the end of the exercise. Then we created card houses out of the cards and ran into them with toy cars. It was all very hilarious actually.
I know this makes no sense but I wanted to write what we did today so that I can look back in a few years and remember how simple it all was.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Haircut Day
Haircut Day
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
All the boys anyway. The young boys have more hair to cut as well. I wonder if the boys would be willing to be doners for a hair transplant?
Friday, April 04, 2008
The boys wanted pictures in front of the fireplace tonight in these pajamas. It turned into a karate pose session and this one was pretty hot. I think Sam's face is supposed to be intimidating or something like that. Another busy week with little to blog about I guess. I think I'm getting lazy or it's just a blogging phase. I think we are hiking on Sunday, weather permitting. Tomorrow, I start the taxes. Oh joy...