We stayed close to home this morning and hiked the four mile loop around Lake Accotink. It's only a few miles from home and easy to get to. This is the hike we did a couple of years ago when the boys were much smaller and not able to hike 4 miles. We ended up carrying them most of that hike but they walked the whole way this time. The three boys all got some new hiking shoes yesterday. Sam and I got some Merrells (different types) and Dylan got some spiffy Stride Rights. It's still un-seasonably warm here in VA and I'm really looking forward to some cold weather and some more hikes.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
We stayed close to home this morning and hiked the four mile loop around Lake Accotink. It's only a few miles from home and easy to get to. This is the hike we did a couple of years ago when the boys were much smaller and not able to hike 4 miles. We ended up carrying them most of that hike but they walked the whole way this time. The three boys all got some new hiking shoes yesterday. Sam and I got some Merrells (different types) and Dylan got some spiffy Stride Rights. It's still un-seasonably warm here in VA and I'm really looking forward to some cold weather and some more hikes.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Morning Mario
Morning Mario
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Getting a little nintendo in first thing in the morning. We are off to the gym in a few to get the blood moving.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Moving On
Moving On
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Dylan and Sam are starting a new pre school on Monday so this was their last day at the jcc. They got this really nice farewell card that made Nicole cry, but the new school, with separate classes for the boys is a good move. I don't think the boys really care one way or another.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
In an all day leadership meeting today at the hotel monaco. Its across the street from aarp and scene of numerous aarp leadership meetings and events. Its semi ironic that I'm here on my 1 year anniversary at aia. Or not...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
My mom, me and the kids got up early and headed out to Antietam Maryland to hike the battlefield. It was a 90 minute drive but we had perfect weather for the visit. We stopped in at the visitor center and checked out Dunker Church before heading down to the Burnside Bridge area and a 2 mile hike. Everyone hiked well but we forgot to bring water so we were a little thirsty at the end.
Sam and Dylan had a lot of questions about who won the battle as we walked through old trenches and sunken roads. Not any easy answer for this particular conflict but we did determine the Sam and Dylan are confederates since they were born in Virginia and absolutely everyone else in their family is a Yankee. They don't like that, because I let them know that the rebs lost the war. They don't like to lose.
We stopped in Brunswick to visit the model railroad layout at the railroad museum there and then had dinner in Balston. Grandma bought the boys and Finn some nifty Baltimore and Ohio Train t-shirts which they plan on wearing to school tomorrow. Here's a link to the photos.
Rock Bottom
Rock Bottom
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We had a real nice trip up to Antietam battlefield and to the Brunswick Train museum today and are getting a bite to eat before heading home.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
I estimate we marched about 3 and a half to 4 miles on Sunday. My knees were singing at me by the time we finished. It was a long trek up hill and a quicker, and steeper decent. We saw some deer and deer scat as well as lots of freshly fallen red and yellow leaves. The boys did great and barely complained the entire trip. I posted the pictures in the usual place. Enjoy.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Breakfast coloring
Breakfast coloring
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Its in the low 50's and time for a hike. We are headed to Bull Run Mountain and have stopped off at ihop for breakfast. Any bets on whether the boys can make five miles with a 1,000 foot vertical?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
NICU Reunion
NICU Reunion
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We decided to stop by the boys nicu reunion to say hi to some of the doctors and nurses that cared for the little guys 5 years ago. Walking in the doors of the hospital brings back some scary memories of daily visits for 10 weeks. Don't want to do that again.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's been a few days since the birthday and I'm just getting used to working a full week again. It's been since early August since I've actually been in the office more than two days in a row and it's exhausting. I think work weeks should be two days, with a day off then another two days then a weekend. I think I'll picket the Whitehouse next week on that issue. I had dinner tonight with a couple consultants I do business with and tomorrow I'm taking a couple people from AIA over to see the state of the art broadcast facilities at AARP. Then I'm going to have a couple drinks with an old friend from my old haunting grounds.
Not much else going on, except Happy New Year everyone.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Biltmore Stained Glass
Biltmore Stained Glass
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Meeting is over, time for a quick reception and dinner. Can't wait to get home.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
I forgot to mention that I uploaded a whole bunch of Minnesota Labor Day photos to flickr. I got a few good ones but they show all the fun stuff we did. The board meeting is going well and my part is late tomorrow morning. I'll be talking about the official launch of Soloso right before lunch so hopefully people will be too hungry to ask too many probing questions. Not that I couldn't answer them, but it's almost my birthday and I deserve a break.
The Biltmore is a beautiful hotel but it's almost too hot to spend anytime outside looking at the mountains. I'd go to the pools but that seems inappropriate considering I'm here to work. Oh well, time for dinner.
Here's another link to the flickr collection http://www.flickr.com/photos/homerclees/sets/72157601863131784/
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
This hotel is one of AIA's 150 favorite buildings and is a great frank lloyd wright inspired hotel.
Arizona Biltmore
Arizona Biltmore
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Made it into Phoenix late last night and am just about to start the two days of board meetings. Its hot down here but the are expecting rain.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I didn't take this picture, so I don't know what the faces are all about. The boys started school today in the same location but with a new school. They seemed pretty excited this morning and said they had a good day this evening. Here's hoping they don't drive their teachers crazy.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Mario Plane
Mario Plane
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We made it to chicago with about 30 minutes to spare before our plane to DC leaves. I got Nintendo out to distract the boys as the plane loads. We had a fun trip to Minnesota and the boys have said they want to go back in summer again. Gotta go, doors have closed.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Beach Fun
Beach Fun
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The boys and some friends are building a canal of some sort.
We saw another Counting Crows concert at Midway Stadium in St. Paul last night. Adam was in an increasingly good mood as the Cal Bears marched to a victory over Tennessee. He was getting updates in his ear monitor from the sound guy who was getting game updates from Tom, the tour manager, watching the game on the bus. It was a nice night and my parents, sister, brother and nephew joined us for dinner and the show. A bunch of the Minnesota Twins baseball team came to the show because they had an 11am game on Saturday so that the Minnesota Gophers football team could lose to Bowling Green in the Metrodome last night. How pathetic is that?
Anyway, a bunch of them came backstage to hang out after the show and pose for with our little Minnesota twins. I'm not sure who's who but maybe you baseball fans out there can put the names with the faces.