That's what you do in Minnesota, at least while the lake isn't frozen.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Fishing on minnetonka
Fishing on minnetonka
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Great day for a pontoon boat ride, swimming and a little fishing. We just caught a fish and the boys went crazy.
It was a great day for the Great Minnesota Get Together yesterday. Cool temps and lot of sun to eat some cheese on a stick and pet farm animals. Yes, and the boys loved all the little kids rides and the John Deer machines. We spent over 4 hours walking around and trying to wear you Finn, Sam and Dylan. We were fairly successful, Dylan and Sam napped for 2 hours when we got home.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
We got here an hour late due to some sort of technical issue with the plane in Chicago. It was alright but man I needed a nice little nap. The boys have been juiced to get here for a while and loved the bus ride from the parking lot to the terminal, the two plane rides and the tram to the rental car at MSP. They are really getting much better on planes but I do entertain them to death with Thomas and Friends and Danny Phantom episodes on the ipod and the computer. We were able to keep them apart on the first leg of the flight which minimizes the hitting but we had to keep them next to each other on the Chicago to Minneapolis leg.
The weather is beautiful here with low humidity and temps in the low 70's. We are off to the fair tomorrow for rides and cheese on a stick. I rented a boat on Friday plan on cruising Lake Minnetonka all day. The boys, Finn and Mae ate in at the "kids table" set up in the porch this evening. Mae gave me a nice smile in the overhead landmine shot. More photos to come.
Fly boys
Fly boys
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
An early escape from dc and everything seems to be going well.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
We spent today doing a lot of nothing except a workout at the gym and some time at the pool. Very hot around these parts but that's not going to stop me from playing golf tomorrow. Anyway, I have finally pulled together all the pictures from out time in New York, Philadelphia and Altoona. It was a good vacation but it went a little fast. I like being with the boys day in and day out. It's kind of fun sleeping with them in the same hotel room. I like the days goal of exploring something new. I'd like to travel by car to see things with them more. Maybe we'll find a funky destination this fall and take a few days to explore it.
Another link to the flickr collection
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Not a bad drive from Altoona yesterday, just 3 and a half hours. We got back from our little tour of the east coast unharmed and with enough time to prepare for a couple days of work. Today was extremely busy but I was able to hit happy hour to wish Jake off to his new career of working from home for himself. Jake had been a die hard WSO'er from the beginning but recent developments made him think that working on his own would be a better position for the long run. I think he's right. ASI has lost any sort of soul it once had. It is all about what it thinks people can produce and is completely ignoring what the people are worth. Two really different things and it makes me sad to see great people having to move on to find value in what they do somewhere else. Their loss. Smooth sailing Jack.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Watching the crows in Altoona safely and dry in the sound board tent. It has been raining all frickin day but the show must go on. This is rock n roll.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We had a very nice visit to the Franklin Institute and a walk back to the train station in a driving rain. Dinner now then off towards Altoona.
Jenkintown PA
Jenkintown PA
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Got to aunt Elaine's house and are heading down to the franklin institute. Not sure if the boys will like the train ride or museum better.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The boys survived the show pretty well and loved the giant animals walking down the aisle. The place was packed with kids so the loud questions didn't bother anyone too much.
Lion Kings
Lion Kings
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The boys have held up well for first act. Fortuneatly, the second act is a little shorter because they were getting a little antzy.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
We saw the frog exhibit at the Natural History Museum today and then meandered across the park to the boys favorite playground at 5th Ave. and 67th Street. The temps were in the 70's and the sun was shining. Central Park is an amazing place on a crisp, late summer day. Activity everywhere and something different to look at every turn you take. We had dinner in Soho tonight and are now hanging out doin a bunch of nothing.
Sam in a time out
Sam in a time out
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The Billy Johnson playground in central park has a great granite slide cut into the rocks. Dylan and Sam started a rumble at the top of it and had to have time outs.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sinking into the Couch
Sinking into the Couch
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Watching Wedding crashers for the 5th or 6th time and decompressing. Got some sleep and a workout in this morning while the nicole, the boys and the grandparents went shopping in tribeca. Dinner without the boys tonight at Wallse. I like that place.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Mr. Dennehy's in the West Village
Mr. Dennehy's in the West Village
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
This is one of our favorite restaurants in lower Manhatten and run by a good friend of Adam and Tom Mullaly, the cc tour manager. Donal greeted us at the door and remarked how big the boys have gotten. He hasn't seen then since thankgiving 05. Had a great drive up today, four and a half hours. A new personal record.
While the boys were fading a little in mid concert last night, having gone to one the night before. They perked right up when it was time for Hangin Around. They love to play those little plastic instruments with Uncle Adam and Adam is one fantastic uncle for supporting their rock in roll dream so early in life. The guitar and drum kit are now handled by the the guitar techs and are traveling with the band. After the Aberdeen show on Tuesday the boys decided they needed to camp it up a bit with, sunglasses for Sam and beads and rings for Dylan. You can see all this "rock gear" in the flickr collection I just posted. It's shots of both nights and the little girl is Jo, Charlie's daughter. Dylan has become fascinated with the play list and I have a few shots of him holding it up as well. Off to New York soon.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Crows part 2
Crows part 2
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Second night in a row at a crows show. Last night near wore me out and I didn't get much sleep but once again, its a great show. I got some really cool shots of the boys on stage playing the drums and toy guitar. Just had time to post them yet. I'll get more tonight and post a bunch tomorrow.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Teenage Mutant Driveway Art
Teenage Mutant Driveway Art
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Sam has been obsessed with the movie teenage mutant ninja turtles since he first watched it on saturday. It looks like grandma or blanca made him a turtle on the driveway.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
We made an un-scheduled stop at the Air Force Memorial in Arlington yesterday because we happened to be driving by it. It's been complete for 6 months now and you can see it from everywhere but we never thought to stop and check it out. It's a pretty cool space with great views of the city. The contrail sculpture is pretty cool as it changes color in some of the photos I took bases on the angle of the sun. It is definately worth a quick trip for anyone visiting DC. Here's another link to the flickr collection.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
This was the view outside my hotel window at the Grand Hyatt on 42nd Street. Not a great hotel by any means but I did enjoy looking at this cluster of Greek figures I don't think I ever noticed in the past. I'm glad I'm back home with Nicole and kids now. I had some fun with my co-workers and the component execs from all over the country the last few days but I'm worn out now. After breakfast this morning we decided to stop at the new Air force Memorial in Arlington. It's right above the Pentagon and has some nice views of DC. I took a bunch of pictures that I'll post to flickr in a little while.
Bob and Ediths
Bob and Ediths
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Nicole and the boys picked me up at National at 8:30 this morning and weare grabing a quick bite before out haircut. I had to head to LaGuardia at 5:30 and didn't get in last until around 2 so I'm a little tired. Good times last night again but this time we stayed in mid town.
Friday, August 10, 2007
View from McGraw Hill Headquartes
View from McGraw Hill Headquartes
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Looking toward times square and the new Times building. Its been one chilly day in nyc. 59 when I walked in the door for this reception and dinner.
Oppenheimer Rocks
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I would suggest you go out and buy the album immediately. They were that good.
The Annex
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Watching Oppenhiemer at the Annex on orchard street in the lower east side. A jammin duo from Belfast. Good thing I don't hae any meetings in the morning. Had a great dinner at Wallese in the West Villiage with some co workers and a really nice walk to this club in fantastic mid august weather. Good times..
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
New York Center for Architecture
New York Center for Architecture
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
A nice reception and a dinner across the street. Good times.
Fiorello LaGuardia
Fiorello LaGuardia
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Across from the new york center for architecture.
Seat 10F Rocks
Seat 10F Rocks
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
On the USairways shuttle flights to Laquardia. Basically, you have first class legroom for the price of coach.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Blanca brought the camera to the water park last week to capture a leisurely day of a couple 4 year olds in summer. They got a little burned this day because they must have been in the water for hours. The park does look like a lot more fun than the meeting rooms I was probably in that day. It was too hot for even the water park today so they went to the movies with a couple hot dates, Sophia and Danielle. I brought the Honda in for a new expensive Michelin "run flat" tire and had some blood taken to check my cholesterol. I got the cool run flats when I got the new mini van last year and they are true to their word, they don't go flat. They do however tell the on board computer that they can't hold air and when you have a screw in the sidewall, need to be replaced for a cool $300. Don't know how my blood turned out yet.
More pictures of water park fun on flickr.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Pirate ship
Pirate ship
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Dylan wanted me to take a picture of his pirate ship this morning but didn't want a picture of himself. I kinda got both.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Yes, Best Buy is air conditioned and a good place to hang out on a hot Sunday.
Driving the playground train
Driving the playground train
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Man, its hot out here and its not even noon yet.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Sugerloaf Mountain
Sugerloaf Mountain
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Looking down the 10th fairway at PB Dye golf club in Maryland. It was bloody hot out there but we had a good time regardless. We have another low key weekend planned with lots of pool time and staying out of the heat.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I usually don't post a lot about current events but this one hit home a bit. Living in Minneapolis for 30 years allows me to visualize this, kind of invisible bridge on 35W. It was a the kind of bridge you might not even notice while you whooshed your way over the Mississippi because it was so ordinary. Just a flat road surface with all the important support work tucked underneath it. Nothing like the Golden Gate, Brooklyn or even Bay bridge spans where you "know" you are on a bridge. This was a very quiet bridge until it decided to collapse.
I've been following Aaron Landry's blog for a few years because he lives in Minneapolis and is a friend of Mike Lee. He has some links to some photos of the bridge from a friend who lives next to it. You can also check them out on his flickr page.