Dad turned 70 today so we went out to dinner to celebrate. Without him of course because he's in Minnesota but figured, what the hell. Love you Dad and the boys say hi.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Busy week
Busy week
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Had time for a quick happy hour before chinese food and a hugh grant movie. Music and Lyrics was alright but sappy as hell. Not sure what's going on this weekend but that's kind of a good feeling.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
But back to work today. We had a great time in OC but I'm getting a little old for 54 holes of golf. The last course we played, Lighthouse Sound, is the best course in the area so we had to stick it out. It was a little tough getting my head back into the work thing but it's gotta happen at some point. Linda and Gil are still here and had a great time with the boys. I just got my fathers day gift from them as well. Some South African wine from their recent trip there and the Dangerous Book for Boys, a how to to keep youngsters entertained.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A Slow Round
A Slow Round
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Another great day but this is the slowest round I've ever played.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Liquid Assets
Liquid Assets
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Back at our usual dinner spot and waiting on a table. The Atlantic is cold but damn refreshing. I'm going to order the scallops and rissoto like I do everytime I'm here. Its good stuff.
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Played some pretty hainus golf but couldn't have asked for better weather. Shot a really rough 94 on a tough course. We are having cocktails on Steve's deck with a swim in the ocean in the near future.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Got up really yearly and played golf this morning with my Dad. We both had good rounds but I was able to come up with a pretty solid 84 to win the round. Nicole made a nice breakfast when we got back and I just got up from a nap. I think we are off to the pool for a while then dinner. I uploaded a bunch of pictures from yesterday's busy day of festivals and baseball games. Check them out here.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Navy Memorial
Navy Memorial
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Had a nice time for Gina's moving on happy hour and got this picture on the way to the metro. Lots of fountains during the summer in dc. I hate the fact that the staff in my old group is going through this whole change and the culture that I tried to great at aarp is being destroyed but that's how it goes I guess. It just bothers me that people are being discounted wholesale to chase an unrealistic concept of how an interactive strategy should be addressed.
People should be the center of any business strategy and only chasing the desired outcomes is a fatal mistake. Its been a year since I left and I stiil feel the pain when the group I built experiences extreme upheaval. I guess I can only strive to build meaning in the business in my current situation. I just miss and feel bad for the group at aarp that I considered family in many ways.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
West Loop
West Loop
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
m37 is in the former meat packing, west loop district of Chicago. An up and coming nieghborhood that still has signs from its meat packing history. Had a productive meeting and am off to dinner in river north.
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I stopped into the international furniture trade show this morning to check out all the new interior design concepts before heading to my meeting. This is a huge show in the 20 story merchandise mart on the chicago river. Pretty wild stuff going on there.
Monday, June 11, 2007
M37 Offices
M37 Offices
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I'm in Chicago for a quick visit to my marketing agency. Lots to do and hopefully some good restaurants.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Lots of hugs and posing all around. Two very lucky little boys with all those girls in their class. I posted a flickr collection up this morning, you can get to by clicking here
They are off to a birthday party today.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Graduation Song
The boys are a year closer to kindergarden with this years stepping up ceremony. He they are singing some songs with both of them dancing to Happy Days and Dylan taking lead in the Dinosaur song. I'll post pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I can entertain the boys for 30 or 40 minutes by using an Apple TV feature that shows current and coming movie trailers. Yes, movie trailers are about 3 minutes long but they are usually the best parts of movies and boys love them. Here they are with some desert and a dose of movie trailers. Apple TV is adding You Tube videos to it's lineup later this month so hours and hours of amateur train videos will be available for the big screen. Dylan will be thrilled.
A big pre-school stepping up ceremony tomorrow. Should have lots of pictures and some video of that.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
He was a nice cat with lots of medical problems. Read more on Nicole's blog.
Good Panel
Good Panel
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We had a good session on social networking for associations and it turns out aia is quite far along in implementing interactive eknowledge tools in non profit land. People seemed pretty interested in my story. I'm sitting in a web governance session now and not finding any answers.
Reagan building atrium
Reagan building atrium
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
This place is so big. Almost as big as the budget deficits Reagan ran up during his time in office. I've been here many times before for conferences and AARP meeting and do like the space.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Last skating lesson
Last skating lesson
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Its a rainy afternoon and this may be the only outing of the day. We laid around and did a lot of nothing all morning as the remnants aof tropical storm berry dumped much neede water on the parched lawn. We got some pool time in yesterday and Nicole and I watched letters from Iwo Jima last night. It was a much better film than Flags of Our Fathers and used a lot of the same footage.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Just driving home
Just driving home
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
On the way home from the gym with some bagels for lunch. I'm actually parked at the dry cleaners in this shot so I didn't put us in peril to get this picture.