We brought out the racing game on the xbox tonight after a long hiatus. The boys are becoming pretty good drivers and won a number of races. They really celebrate when they win but look very serious when they are driving. I'm not sure video games are the best things in the world for kids but they diffinately learn some good motor skills and can now press the right buttons on the controller to make the next race start or move to another race. Like Tiger Woods golf, they will soon be out driving McConnell on a regular basis.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
We brought out the racing game on the xbox tonight after a long hiatus. The boys are becoming pretty good drivers and won a number of races. They really celebrate when they win but look very serious when they are driving. I'm not sure video games are the best things in the world for kids but they diffinately learn some good motor skills and can now press the right buttons on the controller to make the next race start or move to another race. Like Tiger Woods golf, they will soon be out driving McConnell on a regular basis.
Monday, February 26, 2007
I got this shot from the church yard behind our house yesterday. We took the boys on a walk to find a good sliding hill and found our best option on the churches driveway. I was able to get a few more shots that I uploaded to flickr here. Most of the snow left us today and it will be back near 50 degrees later this week. Not much else going on this week but work and oh yeah, our 6th anniversary on Saturday.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
The women at the gym this morning seemed relieved that the boys finally got a haircut. It was pretty long and it probably effected their vision. They look good. Here they are lounging in front of the tv in the play room. We went to the gym today and had some bagels while mama got her toe and finger nails done. A little nap and some bike riding in the afternoon and now we are watching Flushed Away in front of a big fire. Winter weather moving back in tonight, maybe a snow day if we're lucky.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I took a lot of picture on Valentines Day trying to get the perfect shot. I was just looking at them again and figure their are a couple more worth sharing. We are all getting haircuts tomorrow. The boys are getting shaggy, I'm just slightly disheveled. I'm going with them to school tomorrow morning for Daddy's and Donuts day. Should be fun.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I posted about 75 photos from our trip south. Flickr was acting pretty strange last night and when I posted the original set, it had random pictures from other people's collections, including some fairly racey pictures. Unfortuneatly, when you tried to click on the random picture, one of my own would come up. Flickr closed down for a while last night and everything seems to be working again this morning.
I had a good Presidents Day off and got a bunch of stuff done. It's back to a busy week of work.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Produce right here
Produce right here
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We stopped in Cold Harbor on the way back from Williamsburg today. This is Mark's Produce stand. I like that. We are safe and sound back in Alexandria and watching the snow fall with a big fire in the fireplace.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Hotel Palomar Lobby
Hotel Palomar Lobby
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I have an all day management council meeting today then its off to Williamsburg. This is a funky little hotel on P street in the District that I didn't know existed.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
We had about 5 inches of snow and sleet last night and the boys were able to piece together a decent little snowman but it wasn't the big storm everyone was talking about. I went to work a couple hours late and came home early because the roads were in rough shape. Nicole worked from home and took this picture.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Snow on M Street
Snow on M Street
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The dc convention center is nice. This is the first time I've been here.
ASAE Technology Conference
ASAE Technology Conference
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I'm spending a bunch of the day at the washington convention center listening to Association types talk about technology. Its been interesting so far. Its snowing outside now but its suppose to turn to freezing rain later. Not the winter storm I was looking for.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Glimmering Lights
Glimmering Lights
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I have a 6 hour meeting this morning while Nicole and the boys are heading to the Zoo. Architects seem to like meeting on weekends. That's unfortunate.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
In my new tux. Maya Lin just accepted the 25 year award for the Vietnam Memorial.
Hillary campaigning via video
Hillary campaigning via video
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I guess Hilary started the Save Americas Treaures program when she was first lady. Barbara Bush is now the chairperson but she just sent a letter.
Target is a new sponsor
Target is a new sponsor
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Rich Varga, an AIA Fellow is talking now about the new Target sponsorship of the re desing your school contest being run by the American Architectual Foundation. Good to see a Minnesota company caring about architecture. They also provided an bunch of building blocks in the center of each table. The boys would have loved them.
Accent on Architecture
Accent on Architecture
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
The building museum is a fitting place for this event. Haven't found anyone I know yet but my table is near the door. Escape should be easy.
Kumie's Gone
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
I did my first real pitch on the eKnowledge application they hired me to produce to the second biggest AIA conference of the year after convention. This was the first of many I will be doing in the next 12 to 18 months. It went pretty well and I think people understand it a little better if I explain it as a Google and My Space combination for Architects. This is the conference my friend Melissa used to run when she worked for AIA 15 years ago. Funny.
Snowy drive to work
Snowy drive to work
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
We got an inch of snow or so last night and it was enough to close the schools. It was pretty driving around the tidal basen and across the mall and past the world war II memorial on the way to work.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I bought the boys a new racing game for the Xbox the other day and when I stuck it in the machine tonight, it wouldn't play because the game was for the original, not the new Xbox 360 we have. Why would you build a machine that can't play versions of software build for the previous version of the machine. That just makes no sense. This is why Microsoft is getting it's behind handed to them in the entertainment field by Apple, Nintendo and everyone else. They just suck at the new frontier of technology, the living room.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Shoe Shopping at Nordstroms
Shoe Shopping at Nordstroms
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Daddy needs new shoes for the black tie gig on Friday. Its surprising to me that so many men are out shopping on Superbowl Sunday.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I haven't ranted in a while
I'm on my way home and things seem to be on time. It will be good to see Nicole and the boys. Good conference yesterday and it was good to catch up with BJ and Denny.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Free Hugs
Free Hugs
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Only at Stanford. I hope I helped him out with a phychology thesis or something.
Mobile Persuasion 2007 Begins
Mobile Persuasion 2007 Begins
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
A grey day in Palo Alto but the house is full. Had a nice dinner at Bay Wolf in Oakland with the in-laws last night, then went straight to bed. I missed Greys Anatomy but will watch it on my DVR or buy it on iTunes.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
The planes were running on time today and I got an upgrade so it all worked out. I'm getting ready to got to dinner with Linda and Gil then heading to a tv to watch my cousin Tony in tonights episode of Gray's Anatomy. He's playing a guy that has a script name of "hurts when he pees" Should be fun.
I'm spending the day tomorrow at the Mobile Persuasion Conference at Stanford. This is being put on by BJ Fogg's Persuasive Technology Lab and who I've been working with on my Boomer, Mobile Health project. I've kind of slacked off on the my project lately but this is the type of event to that will help get it going again. BJ asked me to speak at this event but my AIA duties have been unable to really do anything new so I choose to attend and network instead. It should be fun and I'll probably have a whole slew of new ideas at the end of day.
Too bad Apple isn't sponsoring and handing out new iPhones. Maybe next year.
Frozen Lake Michigan
Frozen Lake Michigan
Originally uploaded by homerclees.
Landing at ohare to change planes to Oakland I noticed a really chiily looking lake Michigan below. It must be pretty cold here. I don't remember the last time I've seen the lake with so much ice. Hopefully Palo Alto is warmer.