So most of you know by now but I figured I better write something for the rest of you readers I don’t see so often. I left AARP a couple weeks ago and have started the Summer of George. It’s a long story and I have tried really hard not to talk about work on this blog but the bottom line is that I was there for almost 13 years and it was time for a change. It’s a little more complicated than that but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Over the years the staff in my group had grown to almost 50 extremely talented people and I have to say I miss them horribly. The web has grown a lot since we launched our first little interactive site on AOL in 1994. I would say the web may actually have a future, ya think? Change is difficult and this one has yet to fully sink in. I really considered AARP and the staff in WSO as part of the family and not showing up to work there everyday is a tough adjustment. I know the WSO’ers are going to do fine and I’m sure I will run into them at my next gig and their will always be happy hours at the chop to look forward to.
On the positive side, I have a whole bunch of time to decompress from the 60 hour work weeks and that damn blackberry buzzing on my hip at all hours of the day. I’ll also be able to spend a bunch of time with the boys this summer. Soccer classes, swim lessons and general 3 year old madness. I’ve also generated a huge list of things I need to do with this time off and have already checked a few things off. Unfortunately, the list keeps growing but I’m going to keep working at it.
You should be seeing a bunch of random blog posts for the next few months as I wander the area during business hours. I also plan on taking some photography classes to learn a little more about my camera and how to take good pictures. I’ll be sure to upload any that seem to work out. Anyhoo, I’m going to take advantage of this time and get some things done I’ve been meaning to do before I land my next gig and get sucked up into work life again. Wish me luck….