Saturday, April 30, 2005

Friday, April 29, 2005

Via Las Vegas Part Duex

Got in late last night and met my high school buddies for drinks at New York, New York. This is such a creepy town but still fun. I needed sleep so I went home around midnight. We had a tee time at 9am so I got a few hours them hit the ball pretty damn well. Dan, Rob, Tim and I are going to go see Fat Elvis in a couple hours. Good times.

Mark Carpenter
General Manager and Director
Web Strategy and Operations
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

Fake new york

Fake new york

Via las vegas

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Cec dinner update

I've just had fantastic conversations with Rick Smolan how has published a number of innovative books including "one digital day" and "America 24x7" in which Mike Lee has the inside cover shot. I also talked with Jeff Gates who also knows Mike Lee from way back about the soon to be re-opened American Art Museum in dc. This is a great event with great views of New York.

More soon.

Mark Carpenter
General Manager and Director
Web Strategy and Operations
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld (

Cec dinner

Cec dinner

Rainy rainbow room

Cec meeting

Cec meeting

Agenda, directory, new book

In cab

In cab

Rainy morning in new york

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sam thought this was really "cute". Then again, he thought it was him. This is actually Dylan ready at Coby and Alice's. We spent an hour over their pre-Seder but Alice packed a nice little dinner to go and we ate brisket, potatoes, matzoball soup and gelifte fish, well I didn't eat the fish but Nicole said it was fantastic per usual. More soon.. Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 23, 2005

This is the mighty axe picture I talked about in the next post.  Posted by Hello

The Vikings picked Troy Williamson with the 7th pick in the 1st round. This is a little surprising since most people say Mike Williams is a better selection but as brother in-law Adam says, Mike Williams doesn't have the speed and manhandled cornerbacks in the Pac Ten with his size but probably can't do that to cornerbacks in the NFL. Let's hope Adam is right because I'm going to hold him personally accountable. Adam is an expert in Pac Ten players so chances are good he's right. Aaron Rodgers from Cal is still on the boards. He's the only future 1st round pick I've ever met. Adam interviewed him after the Stanford game last year. I was not allowed to take pictures but I do have one of me, Adam, Gil and the Axe. More soon.. Posted by Hello

Friday, April 22, 2005

The boys and Momma checking out the Wiggles web site. It's a wiggles world. Nicole and I saw Sideways tonight after the kids went to bed. Good stuff and we weren't drinking f-ing merlot. Tomorrow we will take a quick trip over to Coby and Alice's for a little Passover visit with the kids then back here for another movie or two. More soon.. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005



Haircut today

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This is the 7:30am view from my room here in Cambridge MD. It's the 18th hole of the River Marsh Golf Course along the Choptank river. This is really a pretty resort with lots to do including a spa, beach and a number of pools. Could be a trip with the kids one day. The retreat has been good and we seem to be accomplishing quite a bit with the discussions. We will have a pile of next steps today but it's all in the name of progress. Nicole says the workers will be finished with the basements today so the boys can have the house back tomorrow. I heard it's quite messy but at least it's almost done. Next step, remodel. Can't wait to see the little guys tonight. More soon.. Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005



Wso meeting

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I played golf yesterday at a place called Blue Mash. It was was a little chilly and really windy. As you can see from this picture, their weren't a lot of places to hide from the wind. I'm playing again tomorrow and it's suppose to be 75 degrees. Should be nice. Dylan is doing better today and ate a couple pieces of pizza at our Saturday night pizza party.. I hope he's just about done with this bug, it's been nasty and he looks a little too skinny for his own good. More soon... Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My mother took this picture of the boys learning all about parking meters. The next thing you know, they'll be driving. More later.. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I was able to play golf twice last week and it looks like I will get another two rounds in at the end of this week. It had been 4 weeks since the last time I played in Miami and I was really itching to get out. It's amazing how for me, golf allows me to almost totally dis-engage from work and clears my mind. I've felt like I've had a ton of extra energy the last couple days and I think it's because of the time on the links. Ritual is extremely important in the normal ebb and flow of life and dis-engaging from one aspect and spending it hitting a little white ball around allows me to recover and become more focused when re-engaging at work. More later...

Monday, April 11, 2005

It's another beautiful spring morning but this time I'm at work. This is a shot from my side window looking down at E. Street NW. The trees are getting green and the traffic is building. Dylan was pretty sick yesterday and coughed all night. His temp was down today so he was looking better. The movie file I tried to post to this blog last night did not work out so I posted in on my web site. It's about 38 megs but pretty good quality considering I took it using my little Canon SD 300 Digital Elf. Even in full screen it had decent relolution. Enjoy... Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

This is a big mpeg movie file but it was really cute so I'm posting it. I really don't know how this will work on the blog but here goes. My parents have been in town since Thursday and my Dad and I were able to get 27 holes in since then. The boys have loved having multiple grandmas and grandpas around and will get some more this week. It was a beautiful weekend and my mom and I finally painted the shed. Sounds like I live on a farm, doesn't it. Going to bed, More later... Posted by Hello

Friday, April 08, 2005

Dylan loving the merry go-round. Posted by Hello

Mom, Dad and the boys went downtown to the Natural History Museum this morning to see Dinosaurs and other random beasts. They boys just liked running around the place and climbing into exhibits. We then went to the merry go-round across the mall and they just loved it. Sam ran all the way to it when he saw the circle of horses from 400 yards away. Good times... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bed time

Bed time

Daddy mountain

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Grandma bought the boys underware today and here they are showing it off.  Posted by Hello

Monday, April 04, 2005

Ok, I don't have any new photos from this weekend but I have this one from a couple weeks ago. It will work for you baby addicts. Grandma Linda is in town this week and has been keeping the boys busy. I took them running with me yesterday and got four miles in pushing the 70 pounds they wieght plus the 20 the stoller wieghts. Felt good.. I'll try to get some new shots with Grandma Linda this week and a bunch with Grandma and Grandpa Carpenter this weekend.  Posted by Hello

Saturday, April 02, 2005



Last night of cowboy

Final four

Final four




Rainy day

Friday, April 01, 2005

This is one of the best blogs in the land and belongs to a new employee in my group at AARP. Mike Lee has been a contractor for over a year now but made it official a couple weeks ago. This blog is the reason I have a blog, really. His latest post talks about his work in Web Strategy and Operations at AARP. I thought it might be interesting because it describes in such detail the work going in my group. Mike's innovative spirit and creativity will take WSO far. More soon... Posted by Hello
Yeah Baby!!

Elvis Sam Posted by Hello
Some Funky Glasses for the Kid

Elvis Dylan Posted by Hello