Saturday, October 12, 2024


All fun and games at practice until someone get hit with a javelin. No one was hit with a javelin but I'm sure it happens.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Grays Lake

Mornings can be amazing.

Grays Lake

Got up and out before sunrise for a couple laps around Grays Lake. Low 50's at 7am. 88 degrees for our walk along Ingersoll and Grand this afternoon.

West End

Sam and a happy Momma at the boys workplace. This is the quintessential college bar if there ever was one. Fun owner and great co-workers. Nicole and I did not make closing time.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Got in so early we could have had breakfast at the Drake Diner. We had lunch, available at 11am and we ordered at 11:01. Saw Tim and Steph with Steph's parents there too. Des Moines is a small town.

Early Flight

Was chased by the sun all the way from DC to Chicago and on to Des Moines this morning. Found Tim and Steph at the airport this morning, they were headed to Des Moines too.

Dialing in

Dylan sizing up the competition in last weeks Maine Rugby home game. The season has been a little disappointing but it's a young team and Dylan has played well and scored many points with his foot.

Thursday, October 03, 2024


Grandma getting some grandkid time last weekend. She had Sam to hang out with the weekend before.

Saturday, September 28, 2024


The lawn was getting really tired, rooted, uneven and generally burnt out due to the southern exposure, hot summers and lack of water. I had my lawn guy (Chao) do a big aeration and soil replacement about ten days ago. He sort of dug up the existing grass, added about two inches of soil across most of the yard and put down a ton seed. I started watering immediately but the we got about 7 days of straight rain since. It's finally sunny today and I have never seen a greener lawn in my life.

The hope is to get some great growth until around mid November then a new lush lawn when growing season starts again in late march.


Spent a couple days at a conference at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel earlier this week. It included a couple walks around campus and I must say, it may beat Cal, Stanford and UCSD as the states most beautiful university. I've been to LA many times, but never UCLA.

After the Rain

Spent five days in Minnesota last week. Lots of it in the hospital with my mom but did get out for fresh air on a regular basis and caught up with my friend, Dan. Mom is doing better and is now in a TCU for rehabilitation of the broken leg. Sam drove up from Des Moines and joined us for a couple days, Nicole and Dylan are there this weekend.

It still feels like summer in the twin cities but I'm sure Fall is right around the corner. I'm sure I will be back a couple times this year and get some of Minnesota's best season.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Coast Guard Academy

The black bears played in New London this past Saturday and came away with a loss. Dylan played well and contributed by making both conversions kicks.

Solid Conversions

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Dylan’s Role Model

Maine seems to claim Paul Bunyan but everyone knows he's a Minnesotan.

Twin Cars

The boys both ended up getting the same model cars a couple weeks ago. Dylan's is blueish grey and Sam is more grey green. Sam's also has a roof rack on his, as shown below. I've driven nearly 1,700 miles in both of them last week and can confirm they are comfortable, stylish and safe.

Downtown Bangor

It's a tiny city but quite quirky at the same time.

All Moved In

Dylan is back in the same room as last semester, but with a queen size bed this time. He had two single beds in this room last year but the school swapped the two singles for a queen over the summer. Much better set up. He's starting rugby practice this week and school next week.

Back to School

Sam and I drove his new car to Iowa early last week, flew home on Tuesday and drove to Maine a couple days later with Dylan and his new car. Nicole met us in Maine to help move Dylan into his dorm and we flew home yesterday. Sam started school on Monday and we are empty nesters again.